Thursday 7 May 2015

Urchfont Scarecrow Festival

After our little detour at the fun fair in Devizes, we drove on to Urchfont to take part in the Scarecrow Festival. The theme was Oscar winners (how many can you guess?) and after about 3 hours of walking we unfortunately could not physically do all of them (there were 50 to find) so we had to give up which was a shame but we were all ready to call it a day! Good fun though, it was a lovely village and there was the added bonus of having a good old nose at people's houses as the Scarecrows were on people's drives ;-)  Not many pics of Ben, he wasn't that keen on standing next to the Scarecrows - he is only approaching the Forest Gump one as he caught site of the box of chocolates on the bench next to him and went to check if there was any in there :-)

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