Tuesday 20 August 2013

Colour Crazy!

Ben and I took a little trip over to Bath yesterday - we had a really good time enjoying a wander round the shops, cup of tea in Marks and a picnic in Henrietta Park which is near where Justin & I used to live many moons ago. Before we left home I looked online to see if there was anything interesting going on in Bath for kids and noticed that the Holborne Museum was holding a 'Colourscape' event so we ventured down to the museum to take a look. Im glad that we did as they had amazing colourful domes & tunnels set up in the grounds that you could explore. You could only stay in there a limited time but Ben and I really enjoyed it and was worth the trek to the museum. Here are a few pics (excuse my shiny face in one of the pics - it was hot in there!)

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