Tuesday 20 August 2013

Colour Crazy!

Ben and I took a little trip over to Bath yesterday - we had a really good time enjoying a wander round the shops, cup of tea in Marks and a picnic in Henrietta Park which is near where Justin & I used to live many moons ago. Before we left home I looked online to see if there was anything interesting going on in Bath for kids and noticed that the Holborne Museum was holding a 'Colourscape' event so we ventured down to the museum to take a look. Im glad that we did as they had amazing colourful domes & tunnels set up in the grounds that you could explore. You could only stay in there a limited time but Ben and I really enjoyed it and was worth the trek to the museum. Here are a few pics (excuse my shiny face in one of the pics - it was hot in there!)

Monday 19 August 2013

Avebury Manor House & Gardens

Using our good old National Trust membership again we took a trip to Avebury on Saturday morning and decided to explore the manor house. We all really enjoyed it - it was very 'hands on' and you could pretty much pick up and explore everything in the house - even get in the beds! (they were replicas..). The volunteers in each room were very friendly and spooked us all with talk of all the ghosts said to haunt the house (yes I did scour these photos carefully for any photo bombing ghosties!). A great morning out.

Monday 12 August 2013

Justin's week off...

Justin had last week off work to make a start with sorting, fixing and packing etc in readiness for moving.... but we also managed to squeeze in a few little trips out. We went to Avon Valley Country Park nr Bristol (animals, train rides, softplay, adventure playground, boat rides), Stourhead (stately home and gardens with lake) and a trip to Bath on the train including an open top bus ride around the city. We also had a lovely lunch out with Nanna & Grandad and rounded it off with a visit to Nanna & Pappa's house. We all had a great week and Justin even managed to get some house stuff done (he has now gone back to work for a rest!).