Monday 20 May 2013

Cornwall 2013

We had a great week in Cornwall staying at Higher Menadew Farm. Despite the weather not always being on our side, we still managed to pack in a lot of trips as well as enjoying the farm facilities including swimming pool and games room. Ben enjoyed going out with the farmer every morning and helping to feed the animals and loved the trampoline and outdoor play area. Our trips out included Crealy Adventure Park (Ben loved going on the rollercoaster), Falmouth, Fowey, Padstow, Lanhydrock and we did go to the beach even though it was freezing! It was great to see Ben enjoying so much fresh air and outdoor activities even though on a couple of occasions we got soaked in rain! Plus despite being nervous about getting in the pool, by the end of the week he was holding a float and kicking his legs and really enjoying it. We took about 200 photos but that would take me forever to put on the blog so here are a few to enjoy.....

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