Friday 18 January 2013

Fun in the snow (well, for about 15 mins...)

Ben and I had fun building a (small) snowman together this morning. The cold got a bit too much for Ben though and he wanted to go inside, so I stayed out finishing the snowman....Now, we've had our fun so its time for snow to go away so we can actually leave the street this weekend..

Thursday 10 January 2013

My first day at Pre-school

We were all geared up to start Tuesday but as Ben was getting over a sickness bug he started today instead. I tried not to let my nerves show as I let Ben have toast and biscuits for breakfast (anything to keep those sugar levels up!) then we got ready and joined the crowds of kids and parents on their way to school/pre-school. We bumped into Ben's friend Henry on the way and they were both skipping along happily so that eased my nerves a bit. I settled Ben in and tried my best to keep it together (Ben looked a little apprehensive but was fine) but embarrassed myself by only managing a very quick goodbye as I ran out the room in tears! Henry's mum Hannah then invited me over for a cup of tea and I got a call from the pre-school to say Ben was getting on fine. Here are a couple of pics of Ben's art work. Ben said they did a few games outside such as singing the 'hokey cokey' and playing 'what's the time Mr Wolf'' and some general play but he was a bit disappointed he didn't get to go on the ipad....Well done Ben, we are very proud of you -  the teacher said he was a good boy and seemed to settle in fine. Now, time to stock up on the Calpol....

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Birthday Boys

New Year's Day we were invited over to Ben's good friend Henry's house (who's birthday is very close to Ben's on the 29th) for his birthday party. It was a lovely party and Ben had great fun joining in the party games and feasting on copious amounts of cake, chocolate, crisps and biscuits! Henry's mum & dad were very kind in asking Ben to join in blowing out the cake candles so here is a pic of the boys in action.

Ben, you are 3!

Another lovely day was spent for Ben's birthday with both grandparents over for the day. After another generous round of presents (and trying to work out  putting together the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse tool bench) we had lunch and birthday cake. Ben loved blowing out the candles and still asks to blow out candles on a daily basis ;-). Happy 3rd birthday Ben, we love you so so much, you are such a beautiful boy inside and out xxxxx

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas week spending time with family. Christmas Eve and Day was spent in Cardiff with Nanna & Pappa and Boxing Day and the 27th at Nanna & Grandad's house along with Uncle Nick and Kellye. What a lovely time we all had with Ben enjoying loads of new toys/puzzles/books etc. Many thanks again to both grandparents for their fantastic hospitality and generous gift giving xx