Sunday 31 July 2016

Summer holiday fun!

The summer holidays have begun! Justin took the first week off work and we have had a fantastic week visiting lots of different places and having fun. We went to Legoland, Slimbridge, Wye Valley, Bath, The Courts Gardens (national trust) ,the cinema to see the BFG with friends and rounded the week off seeing Uncle Nick, Nana & Grandad and flying our new kite at Westbury White Horse. What a week! Justin is going back to work tomorrow for a rest ;-)

Spongebob Dude

Thursday 21 July 2016


We had a lovely time at Tyntasfield (national trust home and grounds nr Bristol) last Sunday. Ben (and Daddy!) enjoyed the adventure playgrounds and we loved looking at the vast amounts of growing fruit and veg and we also followed the famous Victorians trail which tied in nicely with Ben's recent school learning about the Victorians. He even got to take home a Victorian toy - the one where you have to catch the ball in the cup by flinging it up by the string - not easy! It was also good fun watching a few planes landing at Bristol airport which we could see in the distance from our picnic spot. A great day out!

Friday 15 July 2016

Sports Day 2016!

We all had a fun morning in the sun (thankfully!) yesterday at the Kings Lodge sports day. After a great start with all the children singing a song called 'Rio' which had some excellent moves that went with it, we sat back and enjoyed the morning. Ben was in two races - three legged and a sprint. Ben did really well in the sprint by coming second (and it was a close call too). Mummy & Daddy even joined in the fun by participating in the tug o war. The morning was rounded off with a picnic with friends (in the 'green' house pics, Ben is on the left hand side with a blue cap).