Thursday 30 June 2016

Westward Ho! (yes, this town's name does actually have an exclamation mark)

We had a lovely weekend down in Westward Ho! last weekend, helping Justin celebrate his birthday and Ben celebrating a TD day ;-)

We had a fun time exploring rock pools, checking out the arcade games, playing crazy golf, go-karting, attempting to fly a broken kite, spending time with Nana & Grandad and enjoying being by the sea. Ben's highlight of the trip was the local sweet shop - it probably had every single sweet you can think of in there!

Monday 20 June 2016

Scarecrow Festival

We had a great time with the Mann family at Kington Langley scarecrow festival on Saturday afternoon, unfortunately we didn't manage to look at all 72 scarecrows as tiredness was kicking in (and that was just the grown ups!) but we did manage to look at nearly 40....the theme was 'hobbies' - can anyone out there guess what this hobby is below (the man upside one) as we never did figure it out...answers on a postcard please ;-)

Top of the Tree!

Well done Ben! Top of the Tree at school last week for great work on a 'solar system scene'

Friday 3 June 2016


We had a great weekend away in Weymouth last weekend staying in a Haven caravan park (apart from the Church bells that rang all night!). The weather was certainly on our side with lots of sun and warmth. We spent most of our time at the beach and rounded the weekend off with a trip to Durdle Door...