Thursday 26 May 2016

A great day at school!

Ben came bounding out of school yesterday with two certificates in his hands - one for being 'best person of the day' and the other was a gold star certificate for a reading challenge. To round it all off yesterday, he also got a Golden Ticket for writing a great little story about Paddington (sadly it did involve a bus crashing into Paddington - but its ok, Paddington wasnt hurt!!) Ben was very pleased - he loves certificates! Well done Ben!

Monday 16 May 2016

Jumping for joy??

Nana Hunt had a go on Ben's trampoline on Saturday - I think she was having fun though it was very hard to tell!!

Thursday 12 May 2016

Happy Birthday Sebastian!

One of Ben's best buddies Sebastian had his birthday party last Sunday. It was the hottest day of the year so far so there were lots of sweaty kids but a great time was had by all!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Happy Birthday Grandad!

We had a lovely time last weekend with Nana, Grandad & Uncle Nick celebrating Grandad's big birthday!

An Uncle Nick/Ben spider mash up situation!