Tuesday 29 March 2016

Flooded Avebury!

We took a trip over to Avebury yesterday to check out their Easter Egg hunt. I think Ben had more fun splashing in the puddles and squelching in the mud!

Monday 21 March 2016

The Scarecrow Trail season begins...

You may recall last year we took part in several scarecrow trails.... and here we are back on the scene (baby)! The first one being the Christian Malford (a lovely village just outside Chippenham) trail which had the theme of children's book characters. There were 48 scarecrows in total and we managed to guess about 40 of them...if you are wondering why Ben is holding a picture of a doll, we are currently helping cousin Lucy out with her 'Flat Stanley' homework project...

Thursday 10 March 2016

Happy Birthday Alfie!

Ben had a great time at Alfie's birthday sports party.... football, running, dodgeball.... and after a Dominos pizza lunch, it all rounded off with some party games. (Alfie is the boy who is standing up in the photo with the rest of them sat down during 'Chinese Whispers'). We took home a very tired Ben!

Monday 7 March 2016

Cor Blimey Guv'nor!

Ben's class at school are currently studying the Victorians and parents have been asked to cobble together a Victorian outfit for a dressing up day coming soon. Luckily Nana Hunt was able to track one down from work...phew! (chimney sweep arriving in the post soon so watch this space for pic of full outfit with chimney sweep!).