Saturday 20 February 2016

Where the wild things are...

On Thursday we visited the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust centre - if you like birds, this is the place to go! We had a lovely day where we enjoyed feeding a variety of birds, having a paddle in the Welly playzone and doing a spot of bird watching with our binoculars. And yes, Ben did fall in the water after he missed the stepping stone (see pic below!).

Tuesday 16 February 2016

A trip to the seaside...

We picked up Ben's friend Sebastian and headed to the seaside to enjoy the sites and sounds of Weston-Super-Mare! What a great day we all had, after a nice cup of tea (and chocolate cookies for the boys) we walked along the pier and headed to the Arcade, which the boys loved - putting 2 pence pieces in the 2p slot machine game (and winning a sweet each!), enjoying a few rides and trying but unfortunately failing to win a Minion in the claw grab game (I'm sure those machines are fixed - has anyone actually won anything on one of those things??!). After a Mcdonalds lunch we put our wellies on and headed to the beach where we we all enjoyed some sea air and a good old kick about with the football. Fun times!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Pancake Pals!

We had a great time on Shrove Tuesday at Ben's friend Sebastian's house to make and eat pancakes! Pancakes are a bit hit and miss with Ben but the boys on this occasion had no problem tucking in to their pancakes with chocolate spread - delicious!