Monday 30 November 2015

Chippenham Christmas Lights

Blood pressure on the rise, huge crowds of people all shoving and knocking each other out the way, wind and rain in your face, sweating, disappointment, kids crying, people shouting right next to your ear...... welcome to the turning on of Chippenham's Christmas Lights!! :-)

It was nice though to just about see Warwick Davies from about a mile away over the many heads of the crowd (you might just be able to see him dressed in red on the stage if you squint enough).. Ben enjoyed his biscuit though...

Monday 9 November 2015

I Am A Shape!

Ben is a big fan of 'Mister Maker' (an arts and crafts programme on Cbeebies) so we jumped at the opportunity to go and see his live show in Swindon. It was great fun! (the guy with the elephant ears on in the pic below was as embarrassed as he looks!)

Monday 2 November 2015

Dem Bones Dem Bones

All set for two Halloween parties! (I had to walk through the streets of Pewsham like this at 3 in the afternoon to get to a friend's house- got a few car beeps!!)