Monday 28 September 2015

Happy Birthday Mya!

Ben had a great time at his friend Mya's 6th Birthday Party on Saturday... there was such as lot of movement, every time I took a picture, Ben would move or someone would walk in front of me... but here is the best of the bunch..and well done Ben for winning the 'best dancer' competition!

Monday 14 September 2015

Blackberry picking with Nana!

With an abundance of blackberries just round the corner from our house, we took the opportunity to go blackberry picking on Saturday. Nana came very well equipped with gloves, a coat hanger to get the high up ones, two tubs and even a blackberry picking song to sing on the way! We did well getting two full tubs of berries.... I'm not a big fan of blackberries but I did turn ours into a crumble which even I had to admit was pretty tasty!

Monday 7 September 2015

Run Daddy Run!

Justin did very well yesterday completing the Chippenham Half Marathon in 1 hour 51 minutes - his fastest half marathon yet! There was a buzz of activity with lots going on at the finish line - Ben enjoyed the bouncy castle and a Mr Whippy! Well done Daddy/Justin!! (and thanks again to Nana & Grandad for taking us out to lunch after).