Monday 27 July 2015

Party weekend!

Ben was invited to two birthday parties last weekend (Ella and Ruby's). It was a great way to spend some time with his classmates before they all go their separate ways for the Summer hols. It was also the last time all of Ben's class were together as in September they all get mixed up with another class. So, farewell Beech class and hello Holly class in September! Also wanted to take this opportunity to say we are very proud of Ben for his first year at school... we have been to a couple of parent evenings and they have both been great and Ben had a fantastic end of year school report. Well done Ben! (sorry the picture quality isn't great, I took them on my mobile)

Final trip to Longleat...

Alas our Longleat pass comes to an end in August so we did one final trip last week (I may be eating my words if we decide to renew our pass!)...

A trip to the Cotswolds...

We had a lovely day out recently in the Cotswolds. We went to Lechlade-on-Thames and found a great spot to have a picnic and had the added bonus of watching the planes from a near-by air show. We rounded the day off with a visit to Lydiard Park in Swindon where Ben enjoyed playing in the playground and rolling down the hills!

Getting ready for end of year school disco...

Lacock on a Summer evening...

A couple of weeks ago we went to Lacock in the evening for a little walk and play in the playground...

Monday 13 July 2015

Chippenham Police have had a uniform makeover...

Boom boom! It was actually a sci-fi charity event and a book signing by David Prowse who played Darth Vadar in the original Star Wars films (you can just about see him at the table far left with stripy top). They also had an R2-D2 which I was keen for Ben to stand next to for a photo but as it was near Darth Maul (?) which Ben didn't like the look of he stood next to the other R2-D2 type robot below. Now, Ben only knows these characters from playing Angry Birds Star Wars, I think its about time he watched the films..... it is time Ben!

Thursday 2 July 2015

Ben's First Sports Day!

It seems like just minutes ago Ben and I used to watch all the Kings Lodge kids on Sports Day from behind the fence on the way to the playground when he was 2, 3 and 4 and this morning Ben enjoyed being part of it himself... Ben's class were only in a couple of races and he came third in the general racing race - well done Ben! I was getting all geared up ready to take part in the mum's race but unfortunately they didn't do it this year... We had a great morning though and didn't let the downpour at lunchtime when we were all trying to have a picnic dampen our spirits!