Monday 29 June 2015

Summer is here!

Time to get the paddling pool out...

Cycling in the New Forest

Ben had a day off school on Friday so we decided to do something a little out of the ordinary and go cycling in the New Forest. We had a fantastic day and Ben loved it. The New Forest is a beautiful place and we enjoyed 18 miles of cycling (well done to Daddy managing to pedal for him and Ben - Mummy slightly cheated by getting an electric bike which did all the hard work for me...nice!). What a lovely day!

Thursday 25 June 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!

After a busy day at work full of meetings, Daddy did well keeping up with Ben's excitement and energy levels getting into the party spirit at home in the evening. We played 'Pin the tail on the donkey' - which Ben won, had a quick game of musical statues and Justin blew out the candle on his cupcake birthday cake. Daddy enjoyed wearing his bright orange wig ;-) and popping a party canon. Happy Birthday!

Monday 22 June 2015

Kington Langley Scarecrow Festival

We love our Scarecrow Festivals! We had lots of fun at the Kington Langley festival and the theme was TV shows. We managed to guess about 60 out of 65 characters (maybe we watch too much TV?!) and Ben was very pleased to see his favourite character - Spongebob! Oh yes, and we rounded off the afternoon with Ben's first ever donkey ride!

Space Hopping with Uncle Nick (and Grandad)!

We had our first BBQ of the year on Saturday with Uncle Nick, Nanna & Grandad. Thankfully the weather was kind to us and Ben enjoyed some fun in the garden...

Thursday 11 June 2015

The colouring-in King?

Ben is very reluctant when it comes to colouring in, but he does love winning things.... so with the school Summer Fair coming up on Friday along with a poster colouring in competition, Ben was on the case! With much sighing and "Im tired" talk (whereas I was itching to get hold of those pens and do it for him, but it was just for kids sadly) he coloured in the poster and here is the result - a very good effort Ben, well done - we got there in the end! :-)