Tuesday 31 March 2015

Easter Parade!

We popped along to Ben's school Easter Parade where each class had made their own Easter hats. Ben's class were Easter Bunnies and they all came hopping out of their classroom and paraded round the playground showing off their hats. Good fun!

Monday 23 March 2015

Scarecrow Trail

We had a great time on Saturday afternoon at a local village Scarecrow Trail. It was a Disney theme and there were 55 scarecrows altogether which took us 2.5 hours to get round and try and guess which Disney character they were and the film they were in. We didn't do too badly, I think we managed about 50 out of the 55. We also enjoyed a well earned half way cup of tea and cake in the village school. This has now given us the scarecrow trail bug and we look forward to going to the Daddy of all Scarecrow trails in May (its so big, its actually a 'Scarecrow Festival'!). Here are a few pics of some of the scarecrows, some of them were really well done, others a little... well...strange looking!

Friday 13 March 2015

Funny for money!

Ben was excited about it being a school 'mufty' day and all the kids were encouraged to make their faces 'funny for money' for Red Nose day. Here is our effort... Ben didn't want too much going on with his face incase the rain washed it all away and went on his spiderman top - very sensible Ben ;-)

Monday 9 March 2015

Spring is in the air!

It was so nice to have a bit of warmth on our skin on Saturday after a long, cold, winter full of colds, coughs, hand, foot and mouth, bronchitis and a sickness bug. Ben had fun playing in the garden for the first time since October and enjoyed his 'bug hunting' set that he got for his birthday. As I write this blog, its cold and wet outside so it didn't last long but at least there was a hint of Spring to come...

Happy Birthday Alfie!

Ben had a great time at his friend Alfie's birthday party on Saturday. The kids were kept entertained by a a magic show and general entertainment guy! There was so much running around going on it was hard to get a picture of Ben without someone else running in front of my view but here is the best of the bunch!