Monday 23 February 2015

Happy Birthday Nana!

We had a lovely time at Nana and Papa's house yesterday. We all enjoyed the chocolate birthday cake and had fun playing pass the parcel and stick the nose on the clown. Happy Birthday to Uncle Simon too!

Blast Off!

Ben loves his new wall rocket picture for his bedroom.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Lovely Lacock

Ben and I kept with school holiday tradition by hopping on a bus to Lacock. It was a beautiful Spring-like day and we really enjoyed the Abbey's children's trail.... . 'Secret Symbols'. We also shared a rather nice piece of Victoria Sponge in the tea rooms and enjoyed a bit of time in the playground too. Lovely!

Longleat fun!

Half term is here (and as I write this, nearly over!), Daddy had a couple of days off work so off to Longleat we go!

Monday 9 February 2015


Last Friday Ben went to his first disco at his school and had lots of fun. There was a waiting room for parents but I peeped my head in for the last 10 minutes and watched Ben holding hands with two girls and giving one of his glow sticks to another girl. Growing up too quickly I reckon! Here is Ben before we left practising his disco moves.