Monday 8 December 2014

Hattie's 5th Birthday Party

Ben had a great time at his friend Hattie's party yesterday. It was at a local soft play and all the kids had a fantastic time together - all Ben's best buddies together at soft play - there was much screaming (in a good way!) and laughter. They even had a surprise visit from Santa...

Thursday 4 December 2014

Little star..

Ben is very excited about the three Nativity shows he will be in next week and is doing a great job practising the songs (they are even going round and round my head all day!). Good luck Ben, we are looking forward to seeing you in the show next Thursday!

Monday 1 December 2014

Let the Festivities Begin!

As quick as a flash, its the 1st of December again - where does the year go? We have a busy few weeks ahead of us...deep breaths and here we go...

This year and last year's advent calender opening (last year is the one with Daddy in blue)...

Santa Claus Is Coming to (Chippenham) Town!

There was great excitement in Chippenham at the weekend as the man of the moment had taken time out of his very busy schedule to visit the town! And also abseil down the wall of the Angel Hotel and turn on the Christmas lights! What a guy!