Monday 22 September 2014

Pre-school Fete

Ben was very excited to go back to pre-school for their annual fete... there was even a special visit from Peppa Pig and Tigger! (although Ben wasn't fooled, he said before we left "its not going to be the real Peppa Pig, it will just be a man in a costume"... Ahh, the innocence doesn't last long..

Monday 15 September 2014

First lunch day at School!

Its Ben's first day of having lunch at school today and he wanted to show off his new Spiderman lunchbox....unfortunately he has also got his first School cold :-(

Thursday 11 September 2014

Snake Charmer

We popped to Longleat last Saturday and (after hesitating for a while - who wouldn't though?) Ben decided to join the queue to hold a snake... he was very proud of himself after!

Thursday 4 September 2014

First Day at School!

And we're off... Ben's first day at school. Here are a few pics of him getting ready to go. Apart from a few tears here and there, he seems to be settling in well and is enjoying it. He was very pleased he got a sticker today for sitting nicely.