Tuesday 26 August 2014

Our little School boy...

Only a week to go now until the big day! We tried on Ben's school uniform yesterday to make sure everything fits ok...Now, all I need to do is practice keeping composed, putting on a smile and waving goodbye (ill just keep repeating that to myself...)

Wednesday 20 August 2014


We had a great day out at Longleat last Friday (we enjoyed it so much we got an annual pass and went back again on Monday!).  We did the safari in the morning - Justin & I were in hysterics when we were feeding Deer through the car window (they were shoving their heads right into the car) - unfortunately we didn't get a photo to capture the moment as we were too busy laughing. In the afternoon we explored the rest of Longleat - one of the highlights being watching a falconry display which was excellent - they got Vultures, Kites etc to fly straight over our heads all at the same time - there was much whooping, laughing (and ducking!) from the audience. We had fun in the Postman Pat village, Rockin' Rhino ride, adventure playground with soft play, train ride and boat trips. O yes, another highlight was watching the Parrot show - a few children from the audience were asked to go to the stage (I volunteered Ben) and they all stood in a line and were each kissed by a Parrot - we have a great video of this. Looking forward to more visits and exploring Longleat House next time...

Thursday 14 August 2014

@Bristol Science Museum

We had a really good time at @Bristol - a science museum in Bristol. There was so much to do, you didn't know where to start and where to end! The ground floor was all sciencey type stuff which was all very hands on (Ben's favourite was watching a beach ball float up on a gust of strong air coming out of a tube - and putting his face on it so it blew his hair!). The first floor was all about animation where you could actually make your own animation (once you had waited... and waited... for a table to become free). We also had the added bonus of getting the train over to Bristol and getting a ferry boat from the centre of Bristol back to the train station. The only downside to the day was the heavy showers we encountered getting back to the station, but aside from that it was great. Hope to go back next year.

Monday 4 August 2014

Full steam ahead!

It was tipping it down with rain on Saturday morning so (after a lot of recommendations) we decided to go and visit the Steam Museum in Swindon. What a great time we all had, it was really hands on with loads of stuff to explore... it was really well done and with the added bonus of not being busy. A few pics...