Monday 28 July 2014

Flower Power!

Ben was given a sunflower seed at pre-school back in May and with a lot of watering and sun, it finally flowered the other day... Ben is very proud of it and makes sure anyone that comes to our house has a look at it :-)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

And the Summer Holidays begin...

First day of Summer Holidays so Ben and I went to Whitehall Garden Centre to see what their new 'Whitehall Beach' was all about.... we had a great time, the 'beach' was a massive sand pit which Ben enjoyed playing in, they also had a couple of beach huts selling ice creams, deckchairs, paddling pool (though we didn't go in it, there was all sorts floating around...), craft area as well as normal playground and tractors etc... A fun morning.

Scooter Boy!

Ben loves his new scooter!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Final week at Pre-school...

Its Ben's last ever week at pre-school this week and today they let everyone come dressed up in any outfit of choice...and by much convenience (and without any pushing from Mummy - ho ho) Ben chose to go as a Pirate - what luck we had some Pirate gear in the house already ;-)

Ben has thoroughly enjoyed his 18 months at pre-school and it has been really good for him too. Even though we have been talking about it on and off for a while, it dawned on Ben yesterday that this is it, no more pre-school and he burst into tears saying he didn't want to leave....bless him (he soon recovered when I reminded him he will have his Summer present soon... whisper it... its a Scooter). I will even miss pre-school, doing the pre-school run and chatting to the ladies and Ben's keyworker Sue 3 days per week. Ben, you have done really well at pre-school, you had an excellent report on the final parents evening and we are really proud of you. Carry on the good work at 'big school' (blub!). A couple of pics - Ben in pirate outfit and Ben's very first day at pre-school (and yes, I am welling up looking at the first day pic...)

Monday 14 July 2014

That Sunday afternoon feeling....

Bradford on Avon

Ben (and Daddy!) had great fun testing out the new playground equipment in Bradford on Avon on Saturday morning...