Thursday 26 June 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Poor Daddy, having to go to work on his Birthday.... so Ben & I cheered him up with a cake and a couple of party games when he got home... here are a few pics from the merriment... (Ben was very very excited about the party games, he couldn't wait for Daddy to get home from work!)

Monday 23 June 2014

Party Time!

Ben had a great time at his friend Toby's 5th Birthday party yesterday. The kids were all thoroughly entertained by Jack the Magician and a few of them were chosen to take part in a magic trick and much to Ben's delight, he had a hanky pulled out of his Tshirt (as you can see in photo number 3). Ben also enjoyed party games, food and a goody bag (Toby is the boy standing up with the red Batman Tshirt on).

Monday 16 June 2014

Lovely Lacock

The sun definitely had its hat on on Friday so we packed a picnic and I took Ben on the bus to Lacock. We had a great time (as always, good old Lacock!) and Ben was good as gold, happy to explore, play and eat ice times.

A visit from Nanna & Pappa

We popped along to Ben's school-from-September Summer Fair on Saturday and who should turn up and surprise us - Nanna & Pappa! (albeit a bit tired from being stuck in traffic for nearly an hour!) Here are a few pics from the fair (which I was definitely ready to leave - hot, busy and involved spending a pound or two wherever you went..) and a couple in the garden at home...

Thursday 12 June 2014

Sleeping Cutie...

Ben was in the lounge listening to a CD while I was making tea...I popped my head round the door as all had gone quiet and found Ben fast asleep...

Monday 9 June 2014


We wanted to go to Legoland before the summer holidays (while we still have the opportunity to!) so we decided to go last Friday and what a great day we had, we all love going on rides so it was a fantastic day for us all although very tired by the end of the day (I had been awake since 3.45am too excited to get back to sleep!!). Added bonuses were seeing planes going into nearby Heathrow above us and the view of Windsor Castle and London in the distance. What a great time, hope to go back next year.