Friday 25 April 2014

Hope Nature Centre

We rounded off the Easter weekend with a trip to the Hope Nature Centre near Trowbridge. We had a great day feeding the animals, bouncing on the trampoline, exploring the woods, playing crazy golf and enjoying tea and toast. Phew, what a busy weekend!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Easter Sunday with Nanna & Pappa

We had a lovely day with Nanna & Pappa (along with a quick trip to the playground in Roath Park on the way). Mummy & Nanna set up a Easter Egg hunt for Ben while Ben decorated his 'basket' with Pappa & Daddy. Ben really enjoyed searching for clues and eggs and tracked them all down (even though the hunt started before we had finished doing all the clues - Nanna & Mummy were not happy about that and those involved got a good telling off ;-)

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Go Daddy Go!!

On Saturday Justin took part in the Chippenham Park Run (a 5k race that's a free event where anyone can turn up to do it). He did very well coming 50th out of 150 and 3rd in his age group. Well done Daddy!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

A very Good Friday.... at The Courts

We thought we would try out one of the many Easter Egg hunts being held at National Trust places in the area and go to The Courts nr Bradford on Avon. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and we all had fun tracking down the clues to lead us to the prize egg.  Here are a few pics...

Friday 11 April 2014

Steam train party!

Ben was invited to his friend Jonathan's 4th birthday party which was being held on a steam train at Avon Valley Railway (steam train + lots of little boys = much excitement!). We had great fun having a ride on the train, a few party games and a birthday lunch.