Monday 31 March 2014

Mummy and me (in celebration of Mother's day....)

I must be mad putting these on the web but if it raises a chuckle with blog followers its worth it (we were playing a silly faces game on Cbeebies website)...

Tuesday 18 March 2014


Another beautiful Spring day so we took a trip to Avebury. Ben had great fun just being able to run around, climb hills, having races with Daddy and sitting on stones. Ben seems to have a dab hand at photography taking his first ever photo for the blog (methinks it will be the first of many now he has tried it!)

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Dyrham Park

Justin had Monday off, he finished decorating so off we went to Dyrham Park. We had fun exploring the house, especially in the kitchen where they encourage you to be 'hands on' with everything in there. Note the crazy outfits which were the result of Justin & Ben raiding the dressing up box! In the pic of Justin & Ben walking towards the house, you can see Bath in the distance...Looking forward to going back to do the Easter Egg hunt...

Saturday 8 March 2014

Spring has sprung in Lacock

While Daddy was decorating at home, Ben and I decided to take a trip to Lacock to see the Spring flowers. It was a beautiful morning and we had fun following the flower trail around the grounds of the Abbey trying to spot the different flowers on our list. We also managed to squeeze in a visit to the playground.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Justin runs the Bath Half

Well done to Justin who completed the Bath Half Marathon (in wet, cold and windy conditions) in 1 hr 53 mins - excellent! (he even said he had enough energy to run it again....London it is then??) Many thanks again to Nanna & Grandad for looking after Ben.

Bradford on Avon

We enjoyed a lovely sunny spring like morning in Bradford on Saturday where Ben had fun squelching in the mud and splashing in puddles. We rounded it off with tea and toast in a quirky little cafe with a roaring fire. An added bonus to the morning was seeing a steam train go through the station (I tried to take a picture but it was going too fast...). A few pics from the morning...