Thursday 27 February 2014

Nanna Hunt's Birthday (and a blast from the past!)

We all had a lovely day in Cardiff last Saturday helping Nanna Hunt celebrate a special birthday. It was also really great to see Nanna & Pappa's friends Roger & Irene who I haven't seen in about 20 years....After lunch Pappa surprised us all by bringing out a birthday cake which he had decorated himself - Nanna was stunned/speechless/crying/laughing all at the same time (note reaction photo below). What a great job Pappa did at cake decorating though we did poke fun at the wording asking him who 'Ron' was... Not sure if they look at this blog but great to see you Roger & Irene - lets not leave it another 20 years... :-)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Everything is Awesome!

Ben is on half term this week so we decided to take a trip over to Bath and see the new Lego movie in 3D. Ben had a great time on the train where he enjoyed watching the 'moving map'. We enjoyed the film, though I had to chuckle when during the film one of the characters says 'Is he the bad guy?' and Ben shouted out 'yes!' (we had a few head turns...). Now we have the song 'Everything is Awesome' stuck in our heads and Ben has been singing it all the way home...

Monday 10 February 2014

Mud Mud Glorious Mud

There is one benefit to all this rain we have been having lately and that is the creation of lots of lovely mud puddles to squelch in! Now, who's going to clean the wellies....