Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lacock Abbey Illuminations

For the next couple of weeks Lacock Abbey and its grounds are being illuminated to celebrate the 175th anniversary of Lacock as the birthplace of photography. It was lovely to have a break in the rain, wrap up warm and enjoy an evening walk around the grounds (all that was missing was a hot chocolate stand!). Not many pics of Ben I'm afraid as they all came out a bit dark but here are some other pics to enjoy anyway...

Friday 24 January 2014

Monday 20 January 2014

Harvey turns 4!

It was party time at Ben's friend Harvey's house on Friday afternoon (blog followers may remember Harvey has appeared on this blog before in the Olympic torch photos...). Everyone had lots of fun playing party games and eating a great spread of party food. Ben was also delighted to find a great big piece of chocolate birthday cake in his goody bag when we got home.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Building a den...

Difficult to say who was having the most fun...

A rare glimpse of sun...

In this very wet winter.... (this pic is in Lacock).

Friday 10 January 2014

Playdoh with Pod

My new bike

Here is Ben enjoying (after a few initial frustrations) his new bike. He got the hang of it after a while and it was full steam ahead!