Monday 30 December 2013

Ben's 4th Birthday

A good time was had by all at Ben & Henry's soft play party.  Thank you to friends and family for coming along and their generous gifts.  Ben had a fantastic time and then we all had lunch with the Grandparents which was fun.

Can't believe your are 4 Ben!  Love you very much xx

Sunday 29 December 2013

My last day as a 3 year old...

We woke to a very frosty, cold but sunny morning so decided to go to trusty Lacock for a morning walk. After a hearty pancake breakfast we had a great time looking at all the different Christmas trees for the Abbey Christmas Tree Festival and exploring the grounds (thus also ensuring a worn out Ben gets a good nights sleep before the big day tomorrow!). Our little Benjy Bean is 4 tomorrow, another year flown by again...

Its Chriiiiisssssttttmaaaaassss!!

Merry Christmas to all blog viewers! We had a lovely time at Nanna & Grandad's and Nanna & Pappa's house over Christmas and Boxing Days and thanks again to everybody for all the generous gifts and hospitality. Ben was very excited waking up on Christmas Day morning (though thankfully it was a reasonable hour!) and after checking the mince pies and glass of milk had gone, got stuck into opening his presents happy that Father Christmas had seen his list...

Monday 23 December 2013


We took a little trip to Avebury on Sunday and had great fun in the Manor House. Its very 'hands on' for kids and Ben enjoyed helping put a Christmas record on the gramophone, helping in the kitchen and getting into a four poster bed (complete with Christmas PJs).

Zoo pics

We took our last trip of 2013 to the zoo on Saturday. It was amazing to get close to the Gorillas (well, through a thick glass ceiling) as the zoo have just finished their new Gorilla house and we were able to observe them closely. Ben also had his face painted for the first time, as you can see he makes a terrific tiger...

Monday 16 December 2013

Party Time!

It was Ben's friend Hattie's birthday party yesterday in a hall in a village near Chippenham (and a very nice hall it was too, more like a log cabin). Hattie's parents had put lots of thought into the party and there was plenty of games, bouncy castle and scooters to ride around on. Ben had lots of fun joining in with the party games (apart from one meltdown when playing musical chairs...) and eating cake, cake and more cake (and cheesy puffs and chocolate biscuits). Everyone was given a book to take home too. I wonder who's party it will be next.... ;-)