Thursday 31 October 2013

A smashing pumpkin!

Im a bit of a Halloween Scrooge to be honest but we thought carving a pumpkin would be a fun activity to do with Daddy (and let Daddy unleash his creative side after staring at numbers all day!)

Roll up! Roll up!

The circus came to town (well, Whitehall) on Tuesday and we went to see the show with Ben's friend Henry and mum Hannah. Unfortunately Henry was a bit nervous about the whole thing and didnt want to see it so they just had some fun at Whitehall instead but Ben was keen to see the show so we stayed on. It was a great show and Ben really enjoyed it and was clapping and 'wowing' and laughing along.. here are a few pics...

Monday 28 October 2013

Having a splashing time!

We ventured over to Bradford on Avon yesterday morning and after a refreshing first port of call at one of the coffee shops for tea and toast we set out on a long walk along the canal. Ben had great fun jumping in the (many) puddles and watching the barges going by (he even got a wave from someone on a barge which he was very pleased about). A lovely morning!

Friday 18 October 2013

Our little soldier..

This term Ben's pre-school have been focussing on nursery rhymes and this week was 'Grand Old Duke of York' and the class all made soldier's hats. I think Ben did a very good job with his! Please also note his 'special helper' sticker - Ben has been desperate for it to be his turn to be special helper and this week it was finally his turn - he was very very happy!

Monday 14 October 2013

Just a nice Autumn walk...

It was a beautiful sunny Autumnal afternoon on Saturday so Ben and I (while Daddy was doing jobs) went for a walk... and inspired by recent pre-school activities combined it with a bit of tree pattern rubbing. Ben did very well and managed to keep up the enthusiasm for walking and exploring for the whole near 2 hours we were out...

Monday 7 October 2013

Christmas comes early at Whitehall!

We popped to Whitehall Garden Centre to have a look at their just opened Christmas department. Ben was in his element, it was definitely their best display yet..(we could only take a couple of pics as Ben was into everything there so all hands on deck keeping him under control!)

A visit from Uncle Simon!

It was great to see Simon who was had been in London all week for work. After meeting him at the station (with Nanna & Pappa) and a quick trip to the park we all enjoyed lunch in the Angel and showing Simon the delights of Chippenham town centre. Then it was back to our house and a walk round Pewsham to show Simon our new - hopefully soon to move in to - house. What a lovely day, shame it was all over too quickly. Hope to see you next year Simon! p.s. surreal moment 2013 - Simon, myself, mum & dad all the same car together - first time that has happened in about 20 years!

Ice cream in October - don't mind if I do...

Ben and I enjoyed a little bus trip over to Lacock last Friday. Our morning included: cup of tea at the cafe (including sharing a sneaky scone), exploring the grounds of the Abbey with our Autumn leaves colour chart, picnic lunch, ice cream and due to missing the bus home a quick trip to the playground. Good old Lacock, we never get bored of it...

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Avebury Adventure

A few pics from our little trip to Avebury on Sunday morning...