Monday 29 April 2013

Justin does the Corsham 10k

Well done Justin for completing the Corsham 10k run in 49 mins! The start and finish was all near Corsham Court so we had a nice time walking down to the lake, feeding the ducks and scaring the sheep whilst we waited for the race to begin. Ben had a good time running around in the field with his friend James and mummy felt like she had also done the 10k by running after and hovering around Ben so he didn't fall in the lake! Here are a few pics of the day including Ben sampling one of the treats from the cake stall....

Monday 22 April 2013

Fun at Lacock Playground

Enjoying some sunshine in the playground...

Monday 8 April 2013

Dyrham Park

We all had a lovely afternoon utilising our national trust membership with a trip to Dyrham Park. We have not been there in several years and forgot how nice it is there. We didn't have time to go in the house so just soaked up some (rare) spring sunshine in the park and gardens. Ben was mesmerised by the beehive and a lady who worked at the park came over and was chatting to him about bees and honey etc and Ben mentioned honey was good for sore throats and she was very impressed with his knowledge. Looking forward to going back and exploring the house.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Let's go fly a kite...

We ventured up to Westbury White Horse on Monday to try out Ben's new Mickey kite. We didn't stay long as it was beyond freezing up there with bitter winds, but braced it for 15 mins or so. Ben was a bit apprehensive about Mickey being all the way up in the air but with a bit of reassurance he enjoyed his new kite (we all did!). Justin & Ben headed back to the car whilst I braved the cold to take some scenic pics too.