Tuesday 26 March 2013

One a penny, two a penny...

Its freezing outside, Ben is getting over a cold, its nearly Easter.... lets make hot cross buns! One of Ben's favourite activities is getting involved in baking and making hot cross buns certainly takes a while (all day in fact what with 3 lots of rising to do). Here are some pics of the marathon baking session (Ben certainly has the knack of cracking eggs - he does it better than I can! Maybe a Paul Hollywood in the making...?) The end result? Ben only ate one if I took out all the raisins, peel etc and Justin thought they could do with some more raisins but apart from that I think they turned out well...

Thursday 21 March 2013

Easter fun

It was Ben's last day at preschool today before the Easter holidays and when I went to pick him up all the children were sat on the mat with these hats on that they had decorated...so cute!

Monday 11 March 2013

When you gotta go...

I popped upstairs to do some tidying and left Ben downstairs listening to one of his CDs... and when I came down I found this little sleeping beauty...

Bristol Zoo

Justin had a few days off work last week so we took the opportunity to go to the zoo. Ben (and mummy & daddy) really enjoyed watching the gorilla family.. A great day out.

Monday 4 March 2013

Justin does the Bath Half!

We are very proud of Justin who (even though he had been suffering with a cold last week) completed the half marathon in 2 hours 1 min. It was ideal running conditions with cold but dry weather and we even managed to spot Dermot O'Leary. While Justin was running I enjoyed a bit of 'me time' by spending a couple of hours shopping in Bath and enjoying a cup of tea while watching the world go by (many thanks to Nanna & Grandad for looking after Ben). Here are a few pics from the day and a pic of Ben in 'Super Ben' pose! Well done again Justin! p.s. if you want to see a pic of Justin in action go to the Bath Half website and search by his name (I couldn't get anywhere near the finish line to take a pic unfortunately...)