Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Fabulous Bakin' Boys (part 2)

Ben's mate Pod came over to play and we decided to brace ourselves and make gingerbread men again - what a mess! The boys had great fun though and we also got a chance to enjoy the afternoon sun in the garden.

The Great Outdoors

It was a beautiful spring like morning so we decided to take a drive to Roundway hill in Devizes for a walk. Ben really enjoyed the freedom of not having to hold hands and explored, walked, ran and squelched!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Lacock Abbey

We had a great morning visiting Lacock Abbey today and now we are National Trust members we got free entry to go inside and explore the rooms in the Abbey (though I got told off for using flash photography - oops!). Ben enjoyed tracking down the statues in the grounds of the Abbey and I particularly enjoyed looking round the rooms inside as the Abbey was once home to the Talbot family who contributed to the invention of photography. It was very interesting seeing the old nursery, great hall, bedrooms, library, kitchen and servant quarters.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Fun at Nanna & Pappa's house

Even though Ben was suffering with a cold we all had a lovely day at Nanna & Pappas. Ben especially enjoyed playing with a new remote control car (named 'Bananas') which flipped and turned its wheels and generally goes crazy. Shame it was tipping with rain (again...) so we couldn't go outside but a lovely day was had by all.

Monday 4 February 2013


There was a mysterious yellow orb in the sky.... what could it be? Oh yes, I remember, its the sun! :-) so we ventured down to the local playground and soaked up some Vitamin D. Here are some pics from our fun in the sun...