Tuesday 30 October 2012

Pumpkin Fun

We are not into Halloween but as the pumpkins were on offer in the shop and I thought it would keep us amused for an hour we had a go at pumpkin carving. Ben was a bit wary about putting his hand inside to scoop out the flesh/seeds and even backed away a little when I showed him the inside but was ok with a spoon. I tried to make a smiley face but the thing creeps me out anyway and will soon be going in the bin (but the seeds were very nice fried with a little olive oil!).

Sunday 21 October 2012

A mix of pics

Just a few nice pics of recent activities - a visit from Nanna & Pappa, Ben and his train set and a recent trip to Lacock on a lovely misty, cold, autumn morning...

Sunday 7 October 2012

A-Har Me Harties!

Ben was invited to his friend Natalie's 4th birthday party which had a pirates and princesses theme (Natalie is the girl with the long hair and black and white striped trousers in one of the pics). After a nervous start where Ben clung to mummy and wouldn't let go he soon got into the swing of things and was running around and jumping on the bouncy castle. I think Ben's favourite bit out of the whole party though was the vast amount of cakes on offer!