Monday 27 August 2012

Bank holiday fun with Nanna & Pappa

We all had a great time again at Nanna & Pappa's house over the bank holiday weekend. Justin & I (after an eventful journey to Cardiff with heavy traffic, lightening, very heavy showers and an accident from Ben in the car) popped into Cardiff to do a bit of shopping and have our traditional Mexican meal. Then on Sunday we took a trip to Roath Park and enjoyed the sunshine in the playground and fed the fishes in the botanical gardens area. What a lovely time! Thanks again Nanna & Pappa x

Friday 24 August 2012

The fabulous baker boys

Ben's best pal Pod came to visit and we decided to do an activity and make gingerbread men. The boys (and mummies) had lots of fun decorating the biscuits.... but boy oh boy was it messy!  Ben decided it would be a great idea to pick up the pot of small smarties we used to decorate and shake it all over the floor and pick up handfuls of the mix (still in breadcrumb form) and drop that on the floor also. Still, it was to be expected...and yes, they were very tasty!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Pooh Sticks

It was another beautiful late summer's evening so we headed to Lacock again for a walk. This time, Ben & Daddy played 'pooh sticks' which Ben really enjoyed. Then a walk along the path at the top of a hill with fantastic views over the countryside. Life's simple pleasures!

Monday 13 August 2012

Monday 6 August 2012

London 2012 - Hockey

We had a fantastic day at the Olympic Park to watch the GB women's hockey team (who lost unfortunately). The Park was huge and had a great atmosphere. It was too big to investigate all areas but it was amazing to see the main stadium and hear the roars of the crowds inside watching athletics. We were also lucky with the weather (if you can call getting burnt lucky!) as it was hot apart from a few showers. Its strange to watch it on TV now and say... we were there! What a great day and many thanks to Nanna & Grandad for looking after Ben.