Monday 30 July 2012

London 2012 - Rowing

Justin and I had a great day at the Olympic Rowing heats in Eton. We were impressed with how it was so well organised (apart from the very big queues to get a hot drink!) and we had great seats so got a good view of the rowers. We finished the day tired and weary after a 5am start and lots of walking but really enjoyed the day. Many thanks to Nanna, Pappa and Grandad for looking after Ben. Looking forward to going to London on Saturday for the Hockey.

Monday 23 July 2012


We had a tough week with Ben being poorly so decided to end it on a high note by taking a lovely Sunday evening stroll around Lacock. It was a beautiful evening courtesy of the current heat wave and we walked round the grounds of Lacock Abbey and sat down to watch a cricket match (and Im pleased to say that Ben is now on the mend!)

Monday 16 July 2012

Neston Farm Shop

As recommended by Toff & Kelly, we thought we would visit Neston Farm Shop. Ben had fun watching the animals and mummy & daddy enjoyed a hot drink sat outside the cafe enjoying a very rare bit of sunshine. We look forward to going back another day to sample the cooked breakfasts and walk the nature trail.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Family Fun

It was really good to see Uncle Simon, Auntie Erin and cousins Lucy & Henry who had come over to visit from LA. It was fun watching the kids playing together and having lots of nice cuddles! We also had a visit from Ben's second cousin Joe and my cousin Toff and his wife Kelly along with my Auntie & Uncle Sue and Doug - full house!  Alas, time went too quickly and before we knew it we were saying our goodbyes. Here are a few pics from the few days we spent together. Thanks to Nanna & Pappa for excellent hosting and entertaining!