Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Olympic Torch arrives in Chippenham!

We rounded up a couple of friends (here is Ben with Hattie & Harvey who we meet up with every week for playdates) and headed towards town to watch the arrival of the Olympic Torch. There was a good atmosphere and we certainly had a good spot with a great view though I think Ben was more interested in the police cars and motorbikes! Looking forward to going to the Olympics in July/August.

Monday 21 May 2012

Ben's new trike!

Ben loves his new Bob The Builder trike from Nanna & Pappa - especially the tool box! Now, we just need to work out the pedals and we are all set.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

A visit from Uncle Nick

 We had a lovely day at Nanna & Grandad's house and it was great to see Uncle Nick again who was visiting for the weekend. Here we are enjoying a rare bit of sunshine in the garden. See you again soon Nick!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

We love soft play!

We had another lovely weekend in Cardiff with Nanna & Pappa. We stuck to tradition with a visit to our favourite Mexican restaurant whilst Nanna & Pappa kindly looked after Ben. We also couldnt resist trying out a huge soft play centre a short drive away where we had a great time bouncing on the trampoline and doing lots of climbing, sliding and playing with toys. Hope to be back again soon!