Sunday 29 April 2012

More soft play...

We have had lots of fun this week with 2 visits to soft play centres which Ben thoroughly enjoyed (and mummy!). We helped Pod celebrate his 2nd birthday with a visit during the week (we also went to Bristol Zoo with a bunch of friends on Saturday for more birthday celebrations but unfortunately the camera ran out of battery so no pics :-( And as it was tipping it down this morning we decided to take Ben again to a different centre. I think we now have the soft play bug!

Lots of rain = soft play with Pod

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Fun with Nanna & Pappa at the park

Corsham 10k race

We are very proud of Justin/daddy who completed the Corsham 10k race in 56 minutes (tried to get a pic of Justin at the finish line but was juggling a figety Ben in my arms!). Well done!

Monday 2 April 2012

Chuffy the Choo Choo!

Whitehall (good old Whitehall) were holding a spring family fun weekend which included a ride on Chuffy the train. Ben loved it and wanted to go on it again and again but we managed to distract him with looking at some fish :-) You can see Justin & Ben at the back of the train waving in the first photo.