Friday 23 March 2012

A visit from Pod..

Ben has played host to 3 of his friends this week with a playdate on Wed, Thurs and Fri (phew!). But he always enjoys catching up with his old pal Pod.

Friday 9 March 2012

Exploring the sensory garden at playgroup...

Ben loves the sensory garden at playgroup, with its stream to jump in, water fountains, windchimes and huts and dens to hide in. Great fun!

On the potty!

After nearly an hour of sitting on the potty doing stickers, Ben managed his first tinkle. I lept for joy and gave him lots of praise and a special sticker..... so did he want to do it again? No, wasnt having any of it! O well, we will keep trying :-)

A visit from Great Uncle Terry

Ben got to meet his Great Uncle Terry for the first time yesterday when he came to visit with Nanna & Pappa. We had a lovely day feeding the ducks, lunch out and a trip to Lacock where Ben enjoyed the playground and going for a lovely walk round the village.

Thursday 1 March 2012

More playground pics...

Enjoying some spring (ish) sunshine at the playground.