Monday 17 December 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!

Making the first use of our National Trust membership card we went to Lacock Abbey as they were holding a Christmas Tree Festival. The pics do not do it justice as it was a beautiful site to see all the Christmas Trees lit up in semi-darkness around the cloisters. We also visited Santa's workshop/grotto (apparently Santa was too busy to be there but Mrs Clauss was there to show us around). Plus an additional pic of our tree at home.

Salisbury Cathedral Carol Service

Justin and I got into a Christmassy mood but going to Salisbury Cathedral for the BBC Wiltshire Carol Service. The service was very good and the brass band got us into the spirit of things by playing some festive tunes such as Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells etc as well as the more traditional carols. We made a day of it by getting to Salisbury in the morning and having a look at the Christmas market and also had a lovely lunch. Just a few pics from the service (I wanted to take a pic of a full rainbow that appeared outside the cathedral as we were waiting to go in but Justin didn't want to get the camera wet as it was raining but if you go to there is a pic of it on there as well as others). Many thanks again to Nanna & Grandad for looking after Ben.

Monday 10 December 2012

The big moment!

And a very good Father Christmas he was too....

Friday 7 December 2012

Snuggle Up

Its been a miserable week with both Ben and Mummy having colds so what better way to get better than snuggle up with blanky and a cosy dressing gown for some Cbeebies action...Looking forward to a new week! (and get well soon Pappa!)

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Bradford on Avon & Avebury

We took another trip to Bradford on Avon for our wedding anniversary on Sunday. It was a beautiful day - cold but sunny. We walked for 2.5 hours so we felt it was justified to have lunch out ;-). After a refreshing cup of tea and piece of cake at Nanna & Grandad's house we then went on to Avebury (mini Stonehenge) where it was just getting dark and Ben had great fun running around the stones (although he did eventually 'hit the wall' and had a bit of a meltdown towards the end but we will try and forget that part!). A lovely day out.

Monday 12 November 2012

Weekend Fun

What a busy weekend! After a Friday afternoon playdate with Ben's friend Henry we whisked Ben off to see the arrival of Father Christmas at Whitehall. Ben was very excited to see him and even though he was late (bad weather in the North Pole apparently) it was worth the wait for Ben to see real reindeer carry Santa on his sleigh and do 3 laps of the Whitehall garden :-) Then there was an unexpectedly good firework display but sadly fireworks are a bit difficult to take pictures of but I have included a couple anyway. Then Saturday we made the mistake of going shopping in a very busy Bath, then Justin went out for a 10 mile run and out with friends in the evening for a curry. And on Sunday we decided to go for a walk in Bradford on Avon (note the gold post box in honour of an Olympic gold medal winner from BoA) and then on to Nanna & Grandad's house to see Uncle Nick who was visiting for the weekend. Here are a selection of pics!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Flour Power

Ah, the sign of a good baking session, covered head to foot in flour...