Friday 30 December 2011

Birthday Boy!

Ben, we cant believe you are two! Even more lots of lovely presents came your way including a brand new bike. We enjoyed a pancake breakfast, lunch out with Nan & Grandad Watts and had some cake in the afternoon. Happy Birthday Benjy, we love you sooo much, you are our special little boy. Lots of love and squeezes, mummy & daddy xxxxx

Bristol Zoo

We took Ben to the zoo for a pre-birthday treat. Ben had a great time (so did mum & dad) seeing all the animals including a roaring lion. We will be back again soon as we signed up for membership!

Merry Doo-doo!

We had a lovely couple of days at Nana & Grandad Watts' house over Christmas and Ben received lots of great presents from Nana & Grandad and Uncle Nick & Kellye. With lots of lovely food and presents, a good time was had by all! (doo-doo is Ben's word for anything related to Christmas).

Tuesday 20 December 2011

The big moment had arrived...

But Ben couldnt get out of there quick enough....

An early Christmas in Cardiff

We had a lovely weekend with Nanna & Grandad Hunt in Cardiff. Ben had great fun with his new toys and his favourite game of making cups of 'tea' (which he did for an hour and a half non-stop at one point!) and mum & dad spent some time together with a little trip into town (even though it was freezing, raining and very crowded!).

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Santa's Little Helper

Ben loves our new Christmas tree (the photos do not do it justice), he points at it all the time saying 'Wow!'