Sunday 23 October 2011

Tower building with Grandad Watts!

We had a lovely time visiting Nan & Grandad Watts and Ben had great fun building a tower with Grandad.

A taste of Christmas...

We popped over to Whitehall Garden Centre to have a look at the new ice rink (and see whether we might be brave enough to have a go!). While we were there we had a look at their new Christmas shop and the lovely Christmas displays they had set up. Ben also had a ride on the tractors at the playground. Looking forward to our next visit where Ben will meet a very special person who happens to like wearing red.... ;-)

Thursday 6 October 2011

I love my Scuttlebug!

We bought this bike (or trike?) for Ben a few months ago and during the last few weeks he has really got the hang of it. So here is a few pics of Ben enjoying the late afternoon sunshine on his bike.

My mate Pod

Ben had his friend Pod round for a play date. Here is a peaceful moment while they were having lunch. They had great fun chasing each other round the house, screaming, banging things and generally causing chaos! Unfortunately, I completely forgot to take more pictures.... see you again soon Pod!