Tuesday 26 April 2011

Ben's new buggy

Cotswold Wildlife Park

We decided to have a day out at Cotswold Wildlife Park. Ben enjoyed seeing all the animals plus had fun at the adventure playground. We had a picnic for lunch (which involved a lot of picking up of food that Ben liked to throw around rather than eat!) and also enjoyed the drive home taking in the Cotswold scenery whilst Ben fell into an exhausted sleep.....

Easter weekend in Cardiff

We all had a great time staying with Nan & Grandad Hunt in Cardiff. Nan & Grandad babysat Ben while Justin and I got to spend some time together in Cardiff. It was a lovely sunny day and even though I felt like I was missing a limb we had a relaxing afternoon/early evening shopping and having a stroll around Cardiff Bay along with a mexican meal. I just cant believe I forgot to take a photo of Nan & Grandad with Ben but here are some general Cardiff pics plus Ben having a snooze on the way home. Thanks again x

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Time to give those pins an airing Benj, the heatwave continues...

We are continuing to make the most of the warm weather by spending lots of time in the garden. Ben loves to practise throwing his new Thomas the Tank Engine ball, take his hat off and try to put it on again and find other uses for the bubble wand....

Thursday 14 April 2011

A visit from Reuben and Amanda

Ben & Reuben (a.k.a. Pod) had a great time together, eating the same lunch (including being good boys and eating their broccoli) and generally leaving a trail of destruction. I also enjoyed catching up with my good friend Amanda. Pod also had fun practising his walking. Looking forward to his 1st birthday party in a couple of weeks!

A week day visit from a newly retired Grandad Hunt...

We went for a walk and took Ben to the playground - lovely!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Fun in the sun with Nan & Grandad Watts and Uncle Nick

We all had a lovely day taking advantage of the warm sunshine at Nan & Grandad Watts' house and Ben was especially excited to see his Uncle Nick ;-)