Thursday 25 February 2010

Meal time

Little Man

For his first visit to the local pub for a meal, Benjamin was adamant that he wasn't going to wear any of those one piece baby clothes that his parents normally stick him in. He was dressed to impress!

Sleep time

After the exitement of having his first set of jabs today, Ben needed a long rest!

Sunday 14 February 2010


Ben loves his baths. Didn't think in 15 years time he would appreciate this posting unless some photoshop editing took place.


After a hard day of feeding and crying Ben likes nothing more than lying out on the sofa and having a few zzzzz's.


Ben loves to be held by his grandparents and Uncle Nick.

The First Week......

The lack of sleep was a shock to the system but his cuteness made up for it!

The Beginning.......

Ben Watts, born 2:31pm on Wednesday 30th December 2009 weighing in at 6lbs 15ozs. This site is all about him!